Count Your Employee’s Carb-Shedding for a Thicker ROI

Cutting the fat in an organization does have an alternate meaning as well. In addition to its infamous use as a ‘clichéd jargon’ for rightsizing, the literal interpretation of the same also holds true for the ‘modern’ working environment. And that is so because corporations today understand that the most important assets of a company are its employees. After all, these are who perpetrate a culture as deems fit, which the management often has to adapt to. In order to instill a culture of Knowledge Management, that works against letting loose the ‘the knowledge’ that the employee had brought with himself/herself to the organization even when he/she is no longer a part of the organization, it is imperative for organizations to drive the maximum from the workforce employed. Investing in the employee’s physical health is one of the least expensive ways of gaining the maximum amount of input from an employee. Larger ROI makes business sense, doesn’t it?

The reason why many of these organizations are constantly at work to make the employees get comfortable with the working space is to motivate them to bring the best of themselves to their work every day. Wouldn’t it be better if the workspace is used for actual work instead of a ‘desktop workout’? Although tons of literature exists on ‘tips’ and ‘tricks’ to make your day-long office job less fattening, many organizations are cashing on it as an opportunity area to engage their employees better, longer and firmer.

Henceforth, businesses of all sizes are consciously striving to make physical fitness part of their employees’ lives. Apart from the proven health benefits of exercise, physically fit employees have the ability to handle physical work tasks better, cater stressful situations more effectively, and tend to have relatively less illnesses and injuries over time. Organizations are beginning to understand that the expenses associated with employee health issues can be lowered by proactively designing appropriate corporate fitness programs. The number of sick leaves skipped by a healthy workforce is another tangible benefit. The many ways in which organizations invest in its workforce’s physical fitness include encouraging staff to work out regularly; building an indoors gym, insisting to quit smoking; putting together sports teams for cricket, football, tennis etc and holding periodic competitions.

The benefits, amongst many, of these programs are improved health, decreased body fat, and a physically and mentally charged attitude towards work. Promoting fitness programs as a lifestyle choice helps in numerous ways. Below we’ve recapped a few for you!!

  • Fit employees are less likely to get sick. Less sick leaves means reduced absenteeism and health care expenses.
  • Such employees have more energy than the others. Hence, it allows the employees to stay focused on a particular task and, consequently, bring out the best of them to each assigned task.
  • High energy, in healthy individuals, results in an increased level of self-confidence. This self-confidence motivates them to challenge themselves, and make every effort towards a higher levels of achievement in the workplace.
  • A healthy and active employee is more likely to set and achieve both, company and individual, goals. The ability to set goals and work them through to completion is brought into the organization, which is inspired by the others.
  • We see that regular exercise definitely releases physical and emotional tensions of our life. Therefore, when an employee exercises regularly, their stress levels are naturally lower than an employee who does not regularly exercise.
  • Having an employee fitness program also results in low turnover rate since employees appreciate such practices made by an employer.
  • Fit employees are usually ready to accept leadership roles and become mentors for the others.

An organization should ideally offer a career map to every employee. When a fitness plan is part of the package, it serves as a job satisfier for the workforce employed and hence, earns a business mileage!

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